
Showing posts from March, 2024

Finally Homeward Bound

I decided to review select specialty hospitals before I got discharged. It was an honest review, but not a very favorable one to them. Not long after the review it was time for me to be discharged and they tried to send me to Ohio although I live in West Virginia and I would never see my family had I went to that facility. A doctor is not the almighty; they are not infallible. Sometimes you have to be your own advocate and for me going to Ohio was a big no-no. My parents both passed away in Ohio even though it's where I was born and raised I cannot stand to be there at all. Especially because of finding my mother dead in the bed and did something that really affected my brain and I just associate Ohio with pain and suffering. Their argument was that I could not go home because I'm still on RV medicine. I'll let them know when I was discharged from a hospital across the street, late last year, I was discharged with IV medications that I had to take for weeks after leaving. I

Rehab Update

Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening to you. Thank you for stopping by! I'm really not even sure where to begin I'm so overwhelmed with the last couple days events.  Let me just begin by saying my doctor really got on my nerves today. She's the first doctor I'm ever going to fire because of her bedside manner and her lack of compassion. Although I should name names, I'm not going to in this situation. I live in West Virginia and I have severe stage 4 bed sores. None of the nursing homes in West Virginia want to accept me because of my wounds. So in their ultimate wisdom, the hospital staff seems to think it's best for me to go to Piketon Ohio which is several hours away from my home. I would not see my family until I got out of there and I could be there for over a month. They're justification is that I have antibiotic IV but I have to take and finish a course of. They didn't like it when I reminded them the last time I was discharged from the h

Medical Update

I have severe late stage ankylosing spondylitis which has not been treated for over a year. The medications I need to treat it would hinder my healing from the four stage four bed sores that I have on my backside. I'll be honest with you, I'm scared to death! I'm waiting on the doctor to confirm what I already know. My eyes feel like they have sand in them, they are burning, and it's very painful to be exposed to any light. Please say a little prayer for me and my recovery it would really help me out a lot. I'm really in a mess. January 23rd I was involved in the ATV accident, I was traveling at a high rate of speed on the blacktop. I hit a patch of gravel and wiped out rolling The ATV. Originally I had my back broken in three places, on my ribs broken but one, my left foot broken into places and my left shoulder broken into places. Additionally; I had three brain bleeds, a kidney bleed and a pancreas breed. I was in the hospital for 3 months with no issues and I we

Called to serve Good

Thanks for stopping by. I had a near-death experience when I went clinically dead on the operating table. I'm here to testify that God is real and hell is a very real place. Won't you please follow my journey?