Finally Homeward Bound

I decided to review select specialty hospitals before I got discharged. It was an honest review, but not a very favorable one to them. Not long after the review it was time for me to be discharged and they tried to send me to Ohio although I live in West Virginia and I would never see my family had I went to that facility.

A doctor is not the almighty; they are not infallible. Sometimes you have to be your own advocate and for me going to Ohio was a big no-no. My parents both passed away in Ohio even though it's where I was born and raised I cannot stand to be there at all. Especially because of finding my mother dead in the bed and did something that really affected my brain and I just associate Ohio with pain and suffering.

Their argument was that I could not go home because I'm still on RV medicine. I'll let them know when I was discharged from a hospital across the street, late last year, I was discharged with IV medications that I had to take for weeks after leaving. I live very close to my primary care of physicians office. I don't know how but they sent him my way after threatening this discharged me to the rehabilitation center and giving me the option to appeal it through Medicare.
Overall the price was good and 99% of the nurses were good. I had a really bad experience with one CNA from the inner city who was loud and overbearing and did not have the kind of temperament to do this kind of work. Nurses are very special people whether they be CNAs, LPNs or RNs. The nurse that I got into it with happens to be a minority and she has created a hostile work environment. She was simply reassigned for her interactions with me which included violations of HIPAA for

I was going live on tick tock to stream my care. They flipped out and tried to tell me that it was illegal for me to film my care when that is not the truth in my state. So I had to stop going live when they came in the room after they complained about the audio being on and no video which made no sense to me and just showed that they were vindictive about the Google review I left them.

I'm not going to change my review because I couldn't do so with a clear conscience. The review was perfectly honest and needed as they have a very high rating. How was I to know that the CEO closely monitored the Google reviews! But as they say, it is what it is and it's going to be what it's going to be. I just hope my care hasn't suffered because I couldn't keep my review to myself until I left the facility.

I'm finally homeward bound and I cannot wait to see my family and my little Chihuahua pinky. I've been here nearly 2 months and it has been a grueling experience. I have to be turned every 2 hours which means not very much sleep at all for me. Since I have the ankylosion spondylitis My back has no twister flex to it. So when they do roll me it's extremely painful I cannot even begin to describe the severity of the pain. Pain is something I've grown accustomed to. The AS hit me when I was 14 years old with near crippling pain. My lower back would hurt so bad in the morning that I would wake up and vomit but not know why. Have a very young age I had a high pain threshold which was good in a way and bad in a way. My parents were steadfast at instilling their unstoppable work ethic in me. Because of this, I worked until the age of 42 until I was finally diagnosed after visiting several doctors with complaints of low back pain and sciatica. It's hard for me to trust medical professionals after they've dropped the ball with me so many times. I do take their decisions to heart and I pray on it and come up with a solution that I think is correct. These bed sores came from a rehabilitation facility.

Katrina, my fiance is the best nurse I've ever had. She takes excellent care of me and make sure that everything is done the way the doctor say it's supposed to be. She will be hanging my IV, bathing me, changing the bandages which she's permitted to ( she cannot change the wound vac). She loves me and it shows. She's my soulmate; the love of my life.

And then there's the case of little pinky my chihuahua. I love her to the moon and back and she is the sweetest animal I've ever encountered on the planet. She sticks with me like glue when I'm home and misses me terribly when I'm not. She is a little gift from God in my mind. Sent to save me from myself and show me what love really means.


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