Really looking forward to today's broadcast!  Took care of the #Mothersday formalities yesterday.  I am thinking about starting the Minecraft world for Xbox One back up and getting the old engineers back on with me.  We are planning to create the Lord of the Rings Mines of Morrior.  Basically the plan is to mine an entire map, from edge to edge, from level Y40 to bedrock.  We have it about 15% done.  Everyone got burned out and we just had too many people crying on the server.  Some regulars got butt hurt and tried to start their own server and steal away regulars from Atlas Server.

The Yanks & Brits #Neverwinter guild is doing well.  We have about a dozen members and it continues to grow.  If you play a lot and are looking for an active guild, one that works together as a team, then our guild is for you!

It is a great day to be alive and it is nice to be looking at the green side of the grass (as opposed to the brown side).  Thanks for reading and I appreciate anyone who plus ones my posts or makes comments.  I need all the support I can get!  Have a great day and game on!  #TheMadman


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